DomainKeys Identified Mail in Cloud Hosting
You’ll be able to make use of DomainKeys Identified Mail with each and every cloud hosting packages that we’re offering without having to do anything specific, since the needed records for using this email validation system are created automatically by our website hosting platform when you add a domain to an existing web hosting account using the Hepsia Control Panel. If the given domain uses our NS records, a private cryptographic key will be issued and stored on our email servers and a TXT record with a public key will be sent to the global DNS system. In case you send out periodic emails to clients or business associates, they’ll always be delivered and no unauthorized person will be able to forge your address and make it look like you have composed a given email message.
DomainKeys Identified Mail in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you select one of the Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages that we offer, you’ll be able to use the DomainKeys Identified Mail option with any domain that you register through your new account without any manual intervention, as our outstanding cloud web hosting platform will set up all the needed records automatically, on the condition that the domain uses our name servers. The latter is required for a TXT record to be created for the domain, as this is how the public encryption key can become available in the global DNS database. The private key will also be added automatically to our mail servers, so every time you send out a new email message, it will have our system’s electronic signature. The number of unsolicited bulk messages continues to rise each year and very frequently false addresses are used, but when you make use of our web hosting services, you and your customers or partners will not need to worry about that.