The Z File System, or ZFS, is an innovative file system that is much better than any other file system these days. It's extremely reliable and provides the best possible performance for the hosting platforms that use it. What makes it different is that it compares the so-called checksum of all files on the hard drives which comprise a RAID array in real time and if any file is corrupted, it is repaired right away. In simple terms, the same website files are stored on two or more hard drives and if there's an issue with a file on one hard drive, a good copy is used from the other drive to restore that file. In comparison, none of the other popular file systems has checksums. ZFS is also faster and its functionality is not affected by the amount of files stored on the hosting servers. The higher speeds also enable backups to be generated faster and more often without affecting the functionality of the system.

ZFS Cloud Storage, Mails, MySQL in Cloud Hosting

If you choose to host your sites in a cloud hosting account from our company, you'll enjoy the advantages of the ZFS file system first-hand as we employ it on all hosting servers which are a part of our revolutionary cloud platform. Your files, email messages and databases shall be stored on web servers which use NVMe drives and a lot of physical memory which makes it possible to leverage the full potential of the ZFS file system. Because backups are created much faster, we'll keep 4 copies of all your content on a daily basis, so if you delete a file or some update damages your site, you can easily recover everything the way it was using the browsable backups that are available within your Control Panel. In case of a server failure, it takes mere seconds to switch to a backup machine and by using the ZFS system, we guarantee that the new hosting server will have the latest copy of your site and that none of your files will be broken. Our ZFS-powered hosting solutions will offer you the speed, stability and protection that you want for your sites.

ZFS Cloud Storage, Mails, MySQL in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you choose one of our semi-dedicated hosting solutions, you will be able to use the whole potential of the ZFS file system since we have employed it on all web servers that will be employed for the storage of any files, databases and emails you have in your account. Our Hepsia Control Panel is designed to operate with it and you shall quickly see the advantages over the hosting services that competitors provide. Your websites will load noticeably quicker given that all our web servers employ NVMe drives and lots of RAM to ensure that we can fully utilize the functions that ZFS offers. Making the most of the faster backup generation the latter provides, we shall also keep 4 daily backups of your whole account irrespective of how significant it is and because of the compression rates that the file system offers, we are able to keep the backups a lot longer than other companies. This way, not only can we make certain that your Internet sites shall work fast, but also that you shall never need to worry about losing any file or e-mail if you erase anything by chance. The ZFS file system also enables us to switch to a redundant server that has the newest copy of your content in real time with no loss of information or service interruptions.